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The effects of Covid on domiciliary care policies and jobs in Europe: comparative perspectives
June 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Room: P02 (119 rue du marais, Préfecture building, ground floor)
UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles
Boulevard du jardin botanique 43 – 1000 Brussels – Belgium
The policies developed to answer the pandemic in Europe have varied from country to country, but in the field of home care for elderly people, the emergence of Covid-19 has raised the same health and socio-economic questions. How to ensure the protection of home care workers and the people they were caring for, knowing that certain tasks require close proximity? How to ensure, especially in a context of lack of equipment or unclear instructions, that care workers were not exposed to the virus? How to reward home care workers? How has the pandemic led to a longer-term reconfiguration of the regulation of the home care sectors?
The objective of the conference is to present the first results of the COVICARE project. It aims to understand how the institutional contexts and the existing systems of organized actors in five very different countries (France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom) have determined the responses to the problems faced by the elderly and the professional home care workers working with them, both at the time of the arrival of the virus and afterwards.The project also intends to analyse the reception of these policies at the micro level.
The aim of this conference is to present the results of the COVICARE research, articulating a “top-down” and “bottom-up” analysis of the adoption and effects of some of the different measures taken during the crisis on employment and care work in different European countries.
9.30-9.50: Opening speeches
– Clémence Ledoux and Nicole Teke (COVICARE), presentation of the COVICARE project and the conference
– Sophie Jacquot (EUGENDERING Jean Monnet Chair, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles)
9.50-11.00: Experiences of long-term care employment at home during COVID-19, from below
– Marie Cartier (COVICARE): Unwilling dedication? Continuity of home help for elderly people in France during the first lockdown
– Avril Sharp (Kalayaan – Policy & Casework Officer, UK): Experiences of migrant domestic / home care worker who entered in the UK with a visa to work in a private household
– Peter Bartmann (Diakonie – Head of the Health, Rehabilitation and Care Centre, Germany): Employers’ organisations dilemma for rewarding their workers: the German case of Diakonie
11.00-11.20: Coffee Break
11.20-12.30: Intermediaries actors during the COVID-19
– Eve Meuret Campfort (COVICARE): Workers mobilising for their acknowledgement during the COVID-19 crisis in France.
– Gavin Edwards (UNISON – Senior National Officer – Social Care, UK): Trade Unions mobilising for sick pay and pay increases during Covid 19, the UK Case
– Pascal Krimmer (Caritas, Office of the employers’ side of the Labour Law Commission Caritas – National Strategy Officer, Germany): A German federation of non-profit associations facing COVID and its consequences.
12.30-12.50: The European care strategy
– Dana-Carmen Bachmann (DG Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion – European Commission)
12.50-14.20: Lunch break
14.20-15.30: National policies concerning home care from 02.2020 to 02.2022 and their long-term consequences
– Pascal Caillaud, Chiara Giordano and Clémence Ledoux (COVICARE): A non-exhaustive comparative perspective of the policies adopted during COVID in Europe: the cases of Italy, Germany, Belgium, France and the UK.
– Loïc Le Noc (CFDT Santé /Sociaux – National Secretary, France): Wage increases obtained in France during the COVID-19
15.30-16.30: European strategies for the home care sector
– Aude Boisseuil (General Delegate, EFFE – European federation for family employment & care)
– Aurélie Decker (Director, EFSI – European Federation for Services to Individuals)
– Mark Bergfeld (Director Property Services & UNI Care at UNI Global Union – Europa)
16.30-16.50 Concluding remarks
Clémence Ledoux (COVICARE)
Registration: https://forms.gle/AwZ8TJ1hwMbcqqTT8
Publications related to the project : Revue Revue des politiques sociales et familiales 2024/1 | Cairn.info