The EUGENDERING debates are organized in collaboration with Gender5+
Public debates
The effects of Covid on domiciliaries care policies and jobs on Europe : comparative perspectives
20 juin 2024 – 09:00-17:00
Co-organized with Clémence Ledoux (Université de Nantes)
The policies developed to answer the pandemic in Europe have varied from country to country, but in the field of home care for elderly people, the emergence of Covid-19 has raised the same health and socio-economic questions. How to ensure the protection of home care workers and the people they were caring for, knowing that certain tasks require close proximity? How to ensure, especially in a context of lack of equipment or unclear instructions, that care workers were not exposed to the virus? How to reward home care workers? How has the pandemic led to a longer-term reconfiguration of the regulation of the home care sectors?
The objective of the conference It aims to understand how the institutional contexts and the existing systems of organized actors in five very different countries (France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom) have determined the responses to the problems faced by the elderly and the professional home care workers working with them, both at the time of the arrival of the virus and afterwards.
To know more
European Parliament 2024: Achievements and Prospects for a Feminist Europe
February 22, 2024 – 12:00-14:00 – European Parliament
Gender issues surrounding the 2024 European Parliament elections (Gender Five Plus and the Jean Monnet Chair EUGendering). Hosted by MEP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield – Introduced by Agnès Hubert – Chaired by Sophie Jacquot
Intervention by Katarzyna Szkuta for the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Panellists: Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Member of the European Parliament), Jéromine Andolfatto (European Women Lobby), Petra Ahrens (Tampere University), Victoire Olczak (Gender Five Plus).
Presentation of Gender Five Plus policy paper available here
Intersectionality in EU policies: a step forward ?
In collaboration with the EUNMUTE Centre of Excellence
November 30, 2023 – 18:00-20:00
With Oriane Calligaro (UCLille), Serena D’Agostino (VUB), Sophie Jacquot (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles) & Gender5+
Abstract: The development of an intersectional approach to EU policy-making is fairly recent at the EU level. However, for a few years, intersectionality has been increasingly present in the EU equality agenda, to the point of becoming one of the pillars of the « Union of Equality » strategies of the current Commission. This public debate aims at (…) Read more
Chroniques de l’Europe: genre et sans-voix dans l’histoire longue de l’Europe
En collaboration avec le Centre d’Excellence EUNMUTE
13 octobre 2023 – 12:00-13:30
Avec Fabrice Virgili (CNRS) et Anne-Laure Briatte (Sorbonne Université)
Résumé: Retracer six siècles d’histoire de l’Europe, en quelque 120 dates et plusieurs documents, à rebrousse-poil de l’historiographie traditionnelle : tel est le défi que relèvent les Chroniques de l’Europe. Les historiennes et historiens – des techniques, du politique, de l’environnement, des idées, du genre, des arts, de l’économie – réunis dans cet ouvrage, se sont prêtés à un exercice original : choisir un événement qui fait sens à l’échelle de l’Europe, puis (…) En savoir plus
L’avortement en Europe aujourd’hui: du droit aux pratiques
Cet évènement s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une série de conférences Eliane Vogel-Polsky (Gender5+), en collaboration également avec le Centre d’Excellence EUNMUTE et le SIEJ
12 mai 2023 – 13:00-14:30
Présentation : Sophie Jacquot (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles) & Agnès Hubert (Gender5+). Table-ronde modérée par Mona Gérardin-Laverge (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles). Intervenantes : Lola Clavreul (Fédération des Centres Pluralistes de Planning Familial), Alexia Fafara (Lobby Européen des Femmes), Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec (Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne), Bérengère Marques-Pereira (ULB)
Résumé : L’avortement, et plus largement les droits reproductifs, sont l’objet de controverses et de conflits particulièrement virulents dans l’espace européen, caractérisé par une forte disparité en matière de décriminalisation de l’avortement (qui est encore interdit à Malte, au Vatican et en Andorre), de délais légaux (de 10 semaines au Portugal à 24 au Royaume-Uni) et d’évolutions (alors que des pays comme la France progressent en matière de dépénalisation, d’autres comme la Pologne restreignent de plus en plus drastiquement l’accès à l’avortement). Lire plus
WEBINAR: The Conference on the Future of Europe and Gender: What’s Next?
January 25, 2023 – 17:30-19:00 CET, via Teams
From the Conference on the Future of Europe to a Feminist Europe.
Starting with the presentation of the new Gender Five Plus report on Gender Equality and the Future of Europe, this webinar is an opportunity to discuss the results of the Conference on the Future of Europe from a gender perspective, but also the policy recommendations needed to move towards a feminist Europe.
Organization and presentation: Sophie Jacquot (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles) & Victoire Olczak (Sciences Po, Gender Five Plus)
Panellists: Jéromine Andolfatto (European Women’s Lobby), Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (MEP, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Victoire Olczak (Sciences Po, Gender Five Plus), Alvaro Oleart (ULB), Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul (European Commission, DG Communication, responsible for Citizens’ Dialogue)